Here you can find all test reports that we have published about the dating websites of the company TEKNOLOGY SA.
Read our detailed test reports to find out whether the offers from TEKNOLOGY SA are rip-offs or whether you can use the dating websites safely. review

2024-02-22T03:20:31+00:0014th April 2023|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , , |

It is not often that we come across dating sites we review, without an outrageously sensual woman's image splashed across the homepage. It is even more unusual, to find a site without any images at all, such as Is the site's clinical appearance designed to instil trust. review

2024-03-25T11:46:05+00:0013th February 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , , |

The online dating website offers a free registration and a platform that is full of exciting members. Additionally the landing page shows some customer experiences that are very positive. So we did some research on this top dating platform and found out that it is nothing more.

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