Topic: D Support BV

Here you can find all test reports that we have published about the dating websites of the company D Support BV.
Read our detailed test reports to find out whether the offers from D Support BV are rip-offs or whether you can use the dating websites safely. review

2024-03-24T07:16:58+00:002nd April 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , , |

The online dating website advertises free registration with some profile pictures on the landing page. It first looks like a reputable dating portal but the more time we spent on our research the more we knew that this is not true. The website is a fake chat scam and is operated. review

2024-03-26T04:53:43+00:004th February 2020|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , , |

The online dating website advertises a big member’s area and free registration. Additionally we see some positive experiences on the landing page but it turns out that every part of this platform is fake and a scam. is a moderated chat where fake operators operate fake profile.

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