Fake chat rip-off
Fake Operator
Fake Profiles
Unlikely to meet
Negative comments
Very expensive
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It only takes 3 simple steps to create an account on Signing up is free for everybody. Additionally, there seem to be a few good reasons to do so. However, the moderated chat on here surely is not one of them. Altogether does not meet one’s expectations, it is solely a rip-off.
We were able to understand the ploy of the website and its fake chat scam after doing sufficient research online. Number65 LTD operates This company is situated in Kent. The profiles in the members’ area are mostly fake and operated by fake chat operators. The chat on the website is fee-based. You do not only talk with fake profiles on the website, you are also asked to pay a lot of money in order to do so. Negative reviews written by former users reveal this as well.
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Details on the review
The landing page of brags about the high number of relationships they have made possible. One of the services you can make use of here is the flirt roulette feature, that lets you connect with other members in no time. We did not want to rely only on the information that is given on the website itself. We also tried to find out more about the operator. So we conclude that the high number of active members, and the even higher number of relationships they have made possible so far are false.
We question the facts given on the landing page as soon as we find out who operates Number65 LTD is a company based in Kent, in the UK. Every single time we have dealt with one of the company’s many dating websites, in the end they all turned out to be fake chat scams. How could a website that uses fake profiles make it even possible to find a real-life partner? The real users of are matched with fake profiles, but they are mostly not aware of that.
Excerpt from the GTC (as of 24/01/2021)
The website uses support staff to monitor and moderate the chat system, leading to chat dialogues and conversations with the users.
The company
The best way to find the proof for the moderated chat, at least for the websites operated by Number65 LTD, is to analyze the terms and conditions.
This section will probably not be read by most users, however. Not knowing what the fake profiles really are, the users will be glad about the charming messages which they receive from them. Sending messages is not free of charge for the users. This is exactly why the fake chat operators show that much interest. They entice the users to buy coins that are necessary to send messages. A single message costs 40 coins, and it will surely not take long for a conversation to become extremely expensive for the users. In the end, this will only benefit the operator.
The conclusion from our review is a rip-off because it manages to fool many users without them realizing a thing. The many attractive looking fake profiles are controlled by fake operators. They know how to create a conversation pleasant enough for the users to invest their money.
If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Number65 LTD.
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