
29 March 2024 (Update) The result of our review: Our test on turned out to be an insufficient dating website. review
  • Fake chat rip-off

  • Fake Operator

  • Fake Profiles

  • Unlikely to meet

  • Negative comments

  • Very expensive

Report for review advertise with a nice designed landing page and many profile pictures. Additionally the registration is free so what could go wrong. We found out that a lot can go wrong as the website is another scam of the Midsummer Online BV.

The online dating platform uses fake operators that operate fake profiles to entice its users to a long conversation. The users do not know about fake profiles and assumes that every member and part of the chat is real, and will pay a lot of money to the use of the platform. But as every part of the website is a cheeky fake the website is a rip off.

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Details on the review

The dating platform named looks exciting at the beginning but it turns out quite fast that it is just another cheeky scam of the Midsummer Online BV, located in Deventer, Netherlands, is well-known in the online dating business as it’s operated a great number of rip off dating portals and all of them work in the same way.


The dating network of the rip off company counts on a lot of platforms that looks similar and lures the victims in a scam with a fake chat. For the scam the operators of the website create a great number of profiles which are all a fake. Some reviews that we found from our research mention that there is not a single real person in the member’s area.

The fake profiles are operated by fake operators. Their job is to higher the traffic and entice the users to a conversation. That works simply with erotic messages. The customers on the websites do not know about the existence of fake profiles, and that the website is a moderated chat. Even though it is written in tiny letters on the landing page, and terms and conditions still many people fall for the scam.

Fake profiles

Right after registration the users will receive a lot of messages which are all sent by fake profiles. The fake operators try to generate as much messages from its users as possible as the users have to pay for every sent message. The customers of the dating platform will have to pay a high price to use it. One message costs more than one Pound but the price depends on the packet of credits.

But as every message will receive only a fake profile that is operated by a fake operator the website is a clear rip off. While our research shows we just found negative reviews about the operators.

The conclusion from our review

The user of gets tricked by fake profiles and wrong information. The fake profiles are not clearly marked as a fake and the fake operators do not mention that they are running a fake profile. So the users gets scammed and the cost of the website are very high. Like in the main negative reviews on the internet we can only warn of the rip off operator Midsummer Online BV.

If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Midsummer Online BV.

If you have already made experiences with, please share them with our community and write a review. Use the form at the bottom of this page.

We recommend the following top portals

Test winner

Casual Dating


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  1. Brian Samuels 28th January 2022 at 6:22 pm - Reply

    I used Babooms just for fun, I had at least 30 messages each day for over a year and never saw the same set of Americn teeth twice. That’s over 10,000 women who lusted after my body… heaven but nonsense, all beautiful, all lonely and mostly from my local area.
    They even tell you its a scam in the terms and conditions, don’t spend your money here, buy a lottery ticket you have infinitely more chance of success.

  2. Brian Samuels 28th January 2022 at 6:14 pm - Reply

    I used Baboooms for fun, just looking at all those beautiful women who wanted my body. Absolute rubbish!!. I had on average 30 a day for over a year and never saw the same set of American teeth twice. That’s over 10,000 women lusting after me, what a laugh!!
    Almost all from my locality too, all highly desirable, all highly sexed and lonely, heaven but fantasy. Don’t spend any money on this site, they even tell you it’s a con in the terms and conditions. Spend your money on the Lottery you have more chance of success.

  3. Adam 15th December 2021 at 3:17 am - Reply

    You are bang on. It’s 101% FAKE & FRAUDELENT. Everybody please stay away from it to save you massive chunks of money & time & misery.I have had nearly 2 years experience with them.

  4. Martyn Webster 18th March 2021 at 12:13 am - Reply

    One get’s suspicious when the use of language is poor. The picture backgrounds do not look British. I know some are holiday shots but not talking about those. I can confirm that they are all reluctant to share phone numbers. Even suggested gmail account. But no offer. They all seem reluctant to answer requests for information such as what is your job?

    Waste of money and time, quite fun to read all the messages, could be quite an ego trip if you were to believe it all.

  5. Dave Coates 9th January 2021 at 4:55 pm - Reply

    It has cost me more money then I can afford but I just keep doing it hopefully she will meet me but no after £1500 still no meeting

  6. Aubrey Schultz 18th September 2020 at 6:24 am - Reply

    Hi. I joined Baboooms .com after taking a break from work in the morning despite telling myself previously that I would not join another as a lot of them are rip off sites. This was 2.00 am in the morning and I did not get off it until 3.30 pm – 13 1/2 hours later. Why so long? Well I was messaged by about 20 ladies in that time and they were all beautiful . I thought at the time. This is ths best site in the world. All the other are rubbish. Then I noticed a few things.

    1. All the women were beautiful. On a normal site you get about 8 plain woman in your estimation to one beautifull one in your eyes. Thought nothing about it at the time.

    2. You get messaged by many women. I was messaged by about 20 beautiful women in 13 1/2 hours and while browsing after I finished I messaged one. So 20 women messaged me and I messaged one . That does not happen in real life. It’s the opposite way around. Still did not think anything about it.

    3. Some tried to get me to talk for longer even though I told them I wanted to leave to go back to work. I just thought that was because they were being pushy.

    4. While talking to another she said “It was so exciting talking to you” when we had hardly spoken to each other. Now this rung alarm bells. I was thinking vaguely this could be a scam but the site was so convincing – I even read all the TERMS, that I gave them the benefit of the doubt. By this time I had spent about £120 but I did not care as I had about 5 women on the go. Because of this I decided to put into Google “Is Babooom. com a scamand came across your site. I’m lucky because I might spend 1 hour in the site and emailed one or two people, but iwas so excited that I spoke to about 20 all in one go and spent about £120.00. This happened in the space of just over 13 hours. It’s 6.00 am now and I will contact my banks and credit card companies to refund my money and they will, as it is only 24 hours or less since I was charged. The charges are normally in a pending status for 2 or 3 days. If my banks etc ask me for proof, I will refer them to this site as I have no other proof.

    So thank you for this site. You helped me escape from this site and saved me a bit of money.


  7. Trevor 24th August 2020 at 7:51 pm - Reply

    This site is a rip off, you have long conversations and get nowhere, no Emails Phone numbers nothing. If you stop a conversation because you know your being conned, they send you loads of requests for hook ups and dates, just to get you back in. ITS ALL FAKE

  8. David 2nd July 2020 at 5:38 pm - Reply

    I realised it was fake when on every message it said the person was typing and on line all hours of the day and when you answered you immediately got a reply no what time of the day.

  9. David 19th May 2020 at 11:28 pm - Reply

    It’s funny how every single profile is in the town you live in. Even up to the 20th page if there were that amount of women looking for sex in my town I could have a field day. But its all fake you say the same thing to two different profiles you get almost the same answer back. Just glad I only bought 10 credits.

  10. Simon Davey 15th May 2020 at 11:04 am - Reply

    Yes they are all fake I’ve tried lots different ones send you lovely pictures they talk use words like a computer you soon realise its rubbish I dont buy credits I just screen shot pictures plus some of them email you it’s all fake but it becomes funny if you email back your fake your getting paid it shuts them up

  11. Thomas pentland 28th April 2020 at 5:42 pm - Reply

    Hi I joined quite a few dating sites that are really found to be fake not just babooms, I also found s*** paradise lonely matures and secret mills how to be fake, as soon as you ask for something like the girls phone number or an email they all seem to say the same thing I want to stay here I feel safe if it’s soldiers a way of keeping you there and you to buy more credits I’ve been on it I’ve been on them for 6-months and I just recently unsubscribed the lot of them because I was getting nowhere so please put that in your website to everybody every poor lonely Man like myself is getting ripped off big time I honestly think it’s some granny’s round a table in Soho somewhere. After a while it really does come apparent that you are getting ripped off just little things there’s just too to know that’s not right like, so thank you mate for letting me me to discuss my my disgust and frustration . X stay safe X

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