
Free Registration
Negative reports
High costs
Suspicion of fake chat
Low success rate
Fake profiles
Report for review advertises with a convincing offer. Here, registration is free, plus the platform seems to have a lot of members. Also, the users of this website appear to be chatty. There appears to be a simple reason for the open-minded members´ pool. This website shows all signs of a rip-off with a fake chat. Also, on the internet, we found many reviews about the site.
The only problem is that the operator does not note fictional profiles or moderation in the terms and conditions. However, we see a notification about received messages on the landing page, even before we registered. That is one clear indication of a fake chat. The operator of the site is Mirrana corp sro, which is based in Praha, Czech Republic.
We recommend the following top portals
Details on the review advertises a lot of good things. On the landing page, we see some profile pictures plus some images of happy couples. There we found information that registration is free for women and men. However, we found a link that explains the rates for the service. So, this online dating portal has got solid transparency. Plus, the members´ pool appears to be crowded with interesting and open-minded people. When we checked the site, more than 6,000 people were online. With regard to the details on the homepage, this site is the perfect choice if you are looking for love.
The operator of the site is Mirrana corp sro, which is based in Praha, Czech Republic.
Fake profiles for advertisement and more shows some profile pictures on the landing page. Those profiles appear to be fake to us. Some of the images show attractive women that look more like professional models. Also, before we even registered, we see pop-up screens that show messages from another member. That might appear promising. But, we have a different point of view. As we see it, the profiles are fake and show fictional people. Additionally, the pop-up messages seem to be a trick to entice us to register. We assume that this portal uses automated messages or employs fake operators for communication.
Well, legal proof for a rip-off with a fake chat is not provided. The operator does not note moderation in any way in the terms and conditions. This website is not for entertainment, and it does not use ice-breakers. But, we also have to point out that the legal information is short. The terms and conditions contain only a little information about the general service of the membership. That is not a sign for a reliable dating portal. This website claims to be a solid dating service with a lot of members but is short on information.
The bad reputation on the internet
As the terms and conditions offer too little information, we did some research on the internet. First of all, we found a lot of reviews about fake profiles. That means that we are not the only ones who think that the profiles on the landing page are fake. Additionally, some of the reports note moderation as well. Still, as proof is missing, we can only note that some former users had the experience of chatting with moderated fake profiles. By the way, the operator is located at an unreliable location and has a poor reputation on the internet as well.
On the internet, we found plenty of negative reviews about a scam. The image of the website and its operator is enough reason to skip this website. In general, most of the reports note moderation. As we see it, the purpose of moderation is to higher the income of the operator. Costs will occur for nearly any kind of action, like to send messages or request a call. With regard to the reviews of former users, the use of the site is quite expensive.
The conclusion from our review shows all the signs of a scam with a fake chat. The profiles on the landing page look like model images, which is one indication of fake profiles. Plus, on the internet, we found many reports about fake chats. It seems that fake operators control the fictional profiles to increase the income of the operator. High costs will occur after the registration to send messages.
If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Mirrana corp sro.
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This site is a scam and they accidently admitted it to me when I reported a profile named Katya and sent them photos of the person whose photos they were using and the site said that the woman verified herself and that the woman in the photos I sent and the person behind the profile were two different people and yet they were the photos on the profile but they site left the profile up and active.
the names on the site are real but they use there real names but as a short name like vika but the photos that they use are professional pornstars and onlyfans models ive already found them by googling there names they give clues in there country name and city but its a a guy pretending to be woman because the real models dont know anything these people use these womans photos because there is no copyright claims on these photos
Oh my God! You are so right. It all makes sense, and everything you describe is dead-on accurate. I was very suspicious, but now I am convinced. These girls are very convincing and know how to play men. There are countless lies and deceptions. I know the girls who you describe who has played me for almost a year with total lies and even sent me a message addressed to one of the name you list above. You are right. Thanks
This is a very well-organized scam website. The girls are on 40% commission and are their sole source of income. They are professionals and masters of deception proficient at misleading turning the situation around when you catch a mistake. If you are accidentally called Joseph, Todd, Phil, Robert, etc. You are conveniently told you were being tested to see if you are paying attention. They are masters of telling you false stories to win your sympathies and get you talking. Remember that a letter is 10 credits that convert to $10. To open a “private” photo or 3-second video is 5 credits or $5. Chat is 1 credit per message and $1 per minute. Each girl has a different way to run up your monthly bill to $2,200 per month very easily. Each girl makes their commissions differently. They will run as many as 5 or 6 conversations concurrently. Olga ID# ID: 170543 makes her money with chat and sends you numerous free photos. Kate and Pamela make their money by sending many private videos at the same time for $25 to open these 3-second videos. There are countless girls who send canned letters telling you a ridiculous story and asking you what to do or what you think for $10 each reply. These letters are mass-mailed to virtually every man. For every 100 letters sent out, 10% will reply. These fishers spend as much as 16 to 18 hours per day making a hefty income at 40% commission. There is a diehard group to spend 18 to 20 hours per day online to meet and greet every new man hoping to be the first to milk the newbie. Please remember that these are professional scammers. These girls can easily make $2,000 per day on commissions and have up to six simultaneous conversations. Each minute that you are waiting for a reply means another $1per minute from each man. Suggestion: Never open a “private “photos or any videos for $5 each. Never send a photo at $5 per photo sent. Never chat for over 5 minutes. Restrict your chat to $5 per day. These professionals know how to turn around any story, never give an answer, skirt any question, change the subject, avoid answers and questions, and make you feel guilty for asking a question. Never send a photo for $5 each, post it in your profile photos. The scammers will ask you to send them a new photo. Everything is a deception. Be very cautious as they are professional scammers and you are the source of their income. Victoriya Club gladly pays these scammers 40% as they make 60%. VictoriyaClub even writes the letters for the girls to send and the scripts for the scammers to chat.
Some of that stuff you say is wrong. It doesn’t cost $10 to send a letter it takes 10 credits and you buy 37 credits for $12 (it used to be 40 credits but they changed it recently). Similarly to send a photo or video or receive one costs 5 credits so roughly $1.50. However where you are correct is that there does appear to be fake profiles. Many of the girls appear on different sites ( nothing unusual in that) but I chatted to one girl for almost a year and then saw her profile somewhere else. She acknowledged it to be her but said that she didn’t use the other site. Then one day she announced she was leaving victoriya club and taking a break for personal reasons. By then I knew a lot about her except lo and behold within a couple of days I started to receive messages from her on the other site. She was telling me about things that she was doing with her daughter Karina. I asked who Karina was and she said her daughter. I knew she had a daughter but her name she said was Lisa. When I pointed this out she asked if I was confusing her with another woman?
If you do chat with a girl however make sure you can see her on video because after a certain amount of chatting you can ask the girl if she will allow the site to release her contact details so you can chat off site? You will find that more often than not she will say no it’s too soon or that she will give them when you meet thereby having to continue the communication on the site. At that point you should cease communication because it’s not real.
There are mant lovely and genuine girls on the site and you just have to find them
Please can you tell me how you were able to get the information about the girls receiving commission, I presumed the agencies took the first slice.
How did you find details of the financial arrangements?