
18 March 2024 (Update) The result of our review: Our test on turned out to be an insufficient dating website. review
  • Fake chat rip-off

  • Fake Operator

  • Fake Profiles

  • Unlikely to meet

  • Negative comments

  • Very expensive

Report for review advertises with a solid offer. Registration is free and the portal seems to have a lot of members. That sounds good, at first. But according to our research, the information on the landing page is misleading. This website appears to be a scam with a fake chat.

According to reviews on the internet, the members´ pool is full of fake profiles. Those fake profiles show fictional people with whom a date in real-life is impossible. Fake chat operators control those fake profiles and stimulate new users into a chat for which costs will occur. The company, XsMobile sp zoo, is the operator of this site.

We recommend the following top portals

Test winner

Casual Dating


Test winner

Dating sites


Test winner



Details on the review

The online dating website seems to be a solid choice. On the landing page, we read about the offer of the site which includes free registration. That gives us the impression of a solid choice. But according to the information on the internet, this website is not good at all. We read reviews about a rip-off with a fake chat. After the registration, costs will occur to chat with fake chat operators. Plus, all profiles are fake. But we must mention that the operator of the site explains the use of fictional profiles on the homepage.

At the bottom of the landing page, we read about fictitious profiles. The operator only guarantees that you can chat here. It is a good thing of the company to show those details. But this information is almost hidden. Additionally, the statement does not explain the full scale of the moderation. Therefore, we have the same opinion as former users who had a bad experience. As we see it, this website is nothing but a scam. All profiles are fake and show fictional people. Plus, those fake profiles are controlled by “animators”.

Excerpt from the GTC (as of 10/03/2024)

xsmobile uses professional animators and operators for the entertainment of the Users, who are not identified separately in the system. This Service is provided in the highest quality. Real meetings are not possible with these operators. Users can only send them messages within the portal.

The bad reputation of the operator

According to reviews on the internet, it starts right after the registration. A new member will receive a lot of messages from other profiles. Those profiles are fake, but not marked as such. Also, the fake chat operators who will take the first step in the conversation, will not identify as a fictional person. That leads to the point that the user does not know about moderation, which makes it a rip-off. The operator is XsMobile sp zoo who are based in Poznan, Poland is well-known for that scam. This company has a terrible reputation.

The conclusion from our review is a scam with a fake chat. The profiles in the members´ pool are fake and managed by fake chat operators. They stimulate new users into a chat for which costs will occur. However, the user does not know about fictional profiles or moderation. So, the user will pay a lot of money to send messages that will only reach fictitious profiles with whom a date is impossible.

If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to XsMobile sp zoo.

If you have already made experiences with, please share them with our community and write a review. Use the form at the bottom of this page.

We recommend the following top portals

Test winner

Casual Dating


Test winner

Dating sites


Test winner



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  1. Anonymous 11th February 2023 at 10:09 pm - Reply

    has anybody managed to get a date

    • Robert 12th March 2023 at 11:58 pm - Reply

      A big No..from me

  2. John Hyrich 7th February 2023 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    I actually enjoyed the Milfme Website once I realized that it was not intended as a dating website, but rather as a chat website. You can get away with a lot of naughtiness in your conversations with the website operators that other websites will not allow. I would not recommend purchasing coins on the website. But I would recommend playing the free spinning wheel game once a day at no out of pocket expense to yourself and in a couple of weeks you should have enough free coins in your account to start texting with some of the profiles listed being fake or real. It has taken me 2 weeks to already accumulate enough free coins for 15 text messages. I plan to continue using this website on an occasional basis. I just won’t pay for using it. Just maybe with the right attitude the website operators will eventually allow me to really connect with some of the other profiles listed on their website.

  3. Dion 23rd January 2023 at 1:32 am - Reply

    I just want to confirm the fake dating website. Exactly what has been explained by other visitors on here, is–fake-phoney-deceitful- full of misrepresenting profiles, bots, and scammers.I filled out application and began using my free 100 coins, as I ran out of using my free intro offer, I bought 300 coins for $7.99. I was told I would get 100 extra free coins. So, my total should be 400 coins, right?. After sending and receiving 6-8 messages, my total is 200 coins. WTF is going on? Every person I looked at, sent me an immediate comment–each trying to instigate a response.

  4. Anonymous 20th January 2023 at 1:20 am - Reply

    yeah thought as much found site by accident did nothing to my profile and I start getting called cute by a lot of lady’s total bots

  5. Klaus 15th October 2022 at 11:10 pm - Reply

    So obvious that it’s a fake site with chatbots. I set up a fake profile with a photo of Conrad Veidt from “The Man Who Laughs” saying I only wanted big-breasted women for a snuff film I was making, and the “women” came out of the woodwork. So fake!

  6. M Villaflor 4th August 2022 at 5:05 am - Reply

    I had two problems on this site. The first was like many other have mentioned. it is a rip off operation. All the leading pages describing the site are in big font giving the illusion that you will be interacting with real people. it is only mention in the much smaller font that you may interact with a real person or a virtual artifact. As this site pretends to be a meeting place (much like the old day club, pub or bar) the members should be clearly that they are interacting with an artifact or a real person. Clearly if you walk into a club and you see a human look alike droid and a real person, sure you might chose the droid, but at least you know before you start the conversation that it’s a droid and it won’t ever go home with you!. Where the site fails to meet its obligation in my opinion, is that they haven’t provided members any ability to distinguish between real members and artifacts. Thus they are engaged in massive misrepresentation. Had they provided the artifact/human indicator, I would have easily passed over any and all artifacts. This company should be closed down, or forced to advertise in big font that there is a mix of members, or create the icon that allows members to see there are two classes of entertainment here (real and fake… perhaps we should call it surreal!).Otherwise, they ought to get their asses sued. NOW FOR MAY SECOND PROBLEM: I say that once I entered my email data onto the site profile, my gmail account started filling with folks reaching out to me pretending to be from a social site. When I asked, they names sites that I had not visited. So clearly this operator has sent my contact info to sites will beyond their direct control and knowledge. Therefore any privacy control cannot occur, whether GDRP nor California code. This only should be grounds to close the site. Now where does it say they will share my profile with other sites.

  7. Sylvano 30th July 2022 at 10:35 am - Reply

    binjour et merci pour ces revelations, j’etai dans la meme situation il ya une semaine, mais jai compris avant meme de depenser beaucoup d’argent. merci pour les conseils,

  8. LeeSumn 24th July 2022 at 1:01 am - Reply

    I created a profile and within seconds was bombarded with attractive woman initializing convo which led to a presumptive meet but then they would drop off as others “pursued”. It’s a scam to simply engage you and excite you to keep you paying for chat credits. Was super passed it took me 5 hours to figure it out. Oh well. Heads up to all wondering on the sites intentions. Total scam.

  9. Steven Baines 27th June 2022 at 8:00 am - Reply

    Definitely a scam site.. So many “hot local women” sending provocative messages, tempting you to fork out for chat credits. I use free dating sites and don’t get half the response from average looking women as I do with these “potential shag buddies”
    Avoid at all cost and use the more well known reputable sites.

  10. Jess 20th April 2022 at 7:28 am - Reply

    For the wages of sin is death , forget giving eternal life to these rat bags , so glad I read these comments
    Thank you for exposing truth in a dark room of uncertainty new zealand

  11. a 15th April 2022 at 11:00 am - Reply

    Hi All,
    This website is a total scam, same thing happened with me and i quickly realized that they are chat bots and are fake. They have charged twice for every time i have asked for the coins, for every transaction they have taken twice and then boom with out my knowledge they charged my card for 34.99 three times. and refused to refund me, so i have taken legal course of action, launched a European level fraud application , done police report which by now they have issued European arrest warrant for the owner of website. Be aware and please don’t fool yourself, original owner is xsmobile poland registered on a pizza delivery shop.

  12. roger strangward 29th March 2022 at 4:51 pm - Reply

    i have been talking to a woman on thqt site for about 5 days now and ive spent a lot of money buying coins to talk to her i didnt know it was a scam until i read this article

  13. Allard Postmus 3rd March 2022 at 5:23 pm - Reply

    I live in the Netherlands so I mail in Dutch Then suddenly she answered in English. She never has time for a meeting And I get messages from women they tell me the’re living in the naior while the city is 100 km from where I live

  14. Chuck Lemberg 11th February 2022 at 4:13 am - Reply

    It’s been my experience that any site which relies on your buying coins or tokens to chat exists solely for the purpose of making money on the sale of these coins or tokens. You will never meet anyone in person. MilfMe is not the only site that operates this way. I’ve come across at least a dozen. Stay away.

  15. s chemko 6th January 2022 at 2:53 am - Reply

    There is noway that every woman can be on line 24`7,,..This site is such bullshit,,,,totally fabricated ,It’s not for real,,just as is Flirt seeker,,,Mymaplemisteress,,and almost all the rest,..I’ve been doing a study to expose these sites,,,THEY ARE NOT REAL ..SAVE YOUR MONEY< Take a chance and go out and say Hi to someone,,

  16. Lawan Lawrence 22nd November 2021 at 1:53 pm - Reply

    Oh yeah, this platform is as fake as they come. They lead you to believe there’s a chance of a hook up, but it’s always let’s get to know each other first. The fake women on there leave short, vague messages to get you to spend your coins just for you to buy more. They even force you to purchase a larger amount of coins at one time. I had to get my credit card bank involved for a refund from them. However what really got me was when I received the same exact message from two different females on two different occasions. I mean they were the exact same, word for word. Including the period & exclamation points. I wish there was a way to shut these people down. I’ve sent them a couple of emails with very colorful language, they deleted my profile after that. I guess they thought my feelings would be hurt.

    • yves paquette 6th December 2021 at 6:15 am - Reply

      yves P 3 décembre 2021
      J’ai acheté 1500 jetons pour m’amuser a 34.99 et j’ai recu des messages a n’en plus finir et je n’avais pas de photo , avec modération je scrollais pour voir qui étais sur ce site ,a la vitesse qu’entrais les messages toujours pas de photo . wow tu es de mon goût je commencais a me douter que c’est scam , intentionellement j’ai dépenser tous mes jetons . Hier le 4 je consultais ma carte crédit pour me rendre compte que le 34.99 est facturé 2 fois .
      demais matin ca vas être le challenge de me faire rembourser la charge en trop . a suivre

    • Janice Yuill 16th June 2022 at 6:52 pm - Reply

      Hi I’ve just logged out of this app I’ve been on here for 5 months spent thousands but the bank said they can’t do anything about it as I agreed to pay for the coins could you help me how do I get my money back from the bank? Kind regards.Thankyou

  17. Ronnyi Guy. 14th November 2021 at 1:12 pm - Reply

    As far as it being a scam, I was testing this dating site. A multiple ways I figured it was a scam…. it was between 4:00 and 5:00am. I registered, and within a five minutes time period I’m constantly receiving more messages and visitors I can keep up with. Keep in mind that it’s before 5:00 in the morning. You think all these women would be up that early in the morning looking for a man to go out with? Another clue, I didn’t upload a single picture, and I’m receiving messages from all these women being interested in meeting me. How are they interested in meeting me if they don’t even know what I look like? And thirdly, I received the same exact message from two different profiles. These are important clues you have to pick up on and pay attention to. Like I said, I signed up on this site just to test the water, and I refused even from the beginning to pay a single nickel.

  18. Rodolfo Rafael Martinez Rodolfo Rafael Martinez 22nd September 2021 at 10:37 pm - Reply

    No se puede eliminar ni cancelar

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