
Fake chat rip-off
Fake Operator
Fake Profiles
Unlikely to meet
Negative comments
Very expensive
Report for review
MilfChat is located in Oosterhout, in the Netherlands. The real company name and address are redacted for privacy, when reviewing their company registration. Their app,, provides a very confusing experience in that the registration page is written in Dutch. During a review of the site, the user can guess they have to press the yellow button on the registration page, which is again in Dutch. If they do, a registration process is started in English. They enter age, location, and finally, their email.
After the email is confirmed, the user will receive several notifications from members. The messages the user receives are all from fake chat operators. They try to scam the new user into buying the necessary credits to chat with the attractive members. These profiles are fictitious, as the terms and conditions state. is a fake chat scam and rip-off and should be avoided.
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Details on the review
MilfChat is based in Oosterhout, in the Netherlands. The registration page for is in Dutch, which a confusing experience. When the members’ section is reached, it is also difficult to navigate during a review. There does not seem to be a way to search by city, although the user is asked which city in the UK, they live in. Age is a search function, when looking for a milf of your choice. The purchases available include credits.
Expensive chats
Three credits are 2.95 Euros. Up to 200 credits can be bought. These are sold for 220 Euros. This is all very expensive, but the user is assured that the purchases are non-recurring. Whatever the cost, it is not worth it. The owner makes clear in the terms and conditions, that fake chat scam operators are present.
The company itself describes the service as a portal for men and women to enjoy themselves, and not to take dating too seriously. The objective of the site, the company notes, is to provide online interaction between the user and others. So, they use self-created entertainment profiles, which are moderated. The user cannot physically meet anyone.
Excerpt from the GTC (as of 09/08/2022)
This service uses self-created entertainment profiles, these profiles are moderated and therefore no physical agreements are possible.
Fake chat scam rip-off
The purpose of the fake chat scam rip-off is to encourage the new user to purchase credits in order to message the fake profiles. The user is charged credits for sending and receiving messages from these fake profiles, as well as any digital item, such as an image. For those users who are not aware of the terms and conditions, the deception by the owner can be a devastating experience. They will realize that they have spent money and time being cheated, by conversing with fake chat scammers.
As one user mentioned on a website used to identify scams, the site has multiple identical profiles, with different names. The user noted that being called dear by someone you have never met is very odd, as well as being asked for a photo that has already been posted. This user surmised the true purpose of the site is to buy tokens to send messages to bots.
The conclusion from our review provides a very confusing user experience with its registration page in Dutch. In the excerpt from the terms and conditions, the owner of the admits using self-created profiles, which are moderated in a fake chat scam. The purpose of the fake chat operators is to encourage the new user to message and interact. This costs credits, which are expensive. The company is clearly unethical, and there is nothing entertaining about being deceived in a fake chat scam.
If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to MilfChat.
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