
Fake chat rip-off
Fake Operator
Fake Profiles
Unlikely to meet
Negative comments
Very expensive
Report for review
The online dating website advertise a great number of members and free registration. It guarantees an easy game to find interesting people and it would not take long to find a date in your area. But our research shows that the page is a rip off of the Appogee BV.
The number of member’s is wrong and misleading information as uses professional animators that operates fake profiles for the communication with its Users. Those fake profiles can’t be identified by the users and the professional animators do not identify themselves. The users assume that every person in the member’s area is a real person and spent a lot of money for the chat, but there is not a single real person on
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Details on the review
The landing page of looks good and moderns. It advertises some profile pictures of already registered members. also offers free registration and that it is easy to find a sex date or the love of your life. But our research shows that all this information are intentionally wrong and the page is a scam. The number of members are not real as there is only fake profiles. Even though the number of member’s is right there is still not a single real person to find.
There is not a single positive review
With our research about the website and its operator the Appogee BV in Venlo from the Netherlands we found a lot of bad reviews and negative customer experiences. It is one of those pages where there is not a single positive review as the dating website is a fraud and scam. The profiles on the landing page plus the number of profiles in the member’s area are fake.
The jobs of the professional animators and their fake profiles are to get in touch with the users and start a long but senseless conversation. As the users have to pay for every single message and every message reaches only a fake profile the website is a rip off. Every profile shows a fictitious person and every part of a conversation is not real. This is how the scam works as the users pay about £1.50 for every message to a fake profile.
Excerpt from the GTC (as of 27/03/2020)
Appogee uses professional animators and operators for the entertainment of the Users, who are not identified separately in the system. This Service is provided in the highest quality. Real meetings are not possible with these operators. Users can only send them messages within the portal.
Fake profiles
While our research found some reviews from past costumers that explain after the free registration its new users get many messages off other member’s. Most of the messages are simply copy and paste or completely senseless. Some reviews mention that some messages from the fake profiles gave them likes on their profile picture to the real users, but the users did not have a profile picture. The scam of is quite obvious but still many people fall for it.
The conclusion from our review uses professional animators that operate fake profiles to rip off its users. Dates in real life are not possible as the users can only exchange fantasies in the chat room but nothing more. There is not a single real person in the member’s area and the users have to pay for every sent message the website is a scam.
If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Appogee BV.
If you have already made experiences with, please share them with our community and write a review. Use the form at the bottom of this page.
No matter hom many different come on you get they devulge a single identity bit of information. And the really great ones come from your home town but when you ask them something about the town they change the subject. After spending $27 in coins I realized it was such a scam. Now I go on the site for a laugh. Get a free spin for coins and chuckle over the driffle talk from the handlers. Sorry fellahs; this message should be shown before you can open up this site.
This is the biggest scam ever, once you logged on to your account you can not delete it anymore, if anyine has an idea to get away from it please share. My advise dont ever fall for this scam this fake sh.t these ‘m.f sh.t site
This website is absolutely ludicrous, whenever I need a good laugh I log into the website and read the scores of messages sent to me my favourite have got to be the ones who tell me how handsome I am (I am 72) not hideous by any means but the best years of my life have certainly passed me by
Not lost on me that lots of the photographs feature so called members in there cars all left hand drive cars, and wow these so called ladies are very well travelled because these photographs certainly are not Bradford, Newcastle, Glasgow, or any area in the uk …I had 3 messages from girls in my town I asked them all to name a street in my town, never received an answer
Now guess what the website has a lucky wheel don’t subscribe to it because you get one free spin daily I use my free credits to have some fun at the expense of the website, I actually would not be surprised if the majority of messages where from a big fat guy from somewhere in Africa
Summing up this website is has fake has a 6 legged giraffe with 4 tails… guys avoid
Yes. agree with all the negative critiques here totally. Seems I’m a slow learner and too gullible. but I’m finallygetting the message! Problem is, if you are genuinely lonely and a sucker for a pretty face and a flattering comment, this site will takeyou for as much as you are stupid enough to pay! It is clever in that probably some of the profiles are genuine (as in a real person..’animator’ whatever!) and mire convincing, but very many are not and you can see the patterns of the AI emerging when all of a sudden you get a whole load of messages or likes from ‘women’ in the same geographical area..and you will never get a real live meet! So it is a complete violation of your person as well as financial fraud! Feetoo is another similar ‘dating’ site with a more blatantly sexual context..assumption that we men are always ONLY thinking with our d…! So beware of that one too. These people (website owner/operators) are outright criminals with no conscience and black souls. Why there is no legal protection against such beggars belief as there is so much online fraud nowadays! Caveat emptor..buyer beware!
I’m so sad I wasted my time and hope on the site. Glad I didn’t waste my money tho.
I have just tried to delete my account on MDates as I found out that it is a scam, but you can’t delete your account because when you try what it tells you to do you just go round in circles. How i realised it was a scam was when I would send a message and the message you get back is nothing to do with what you asked, and every one who sends you a message say’s the same thing and all called me babe or hun, also it didn’t matter what time I went on the site the so called women I was talking to was online. It is a waste of money as there are no real people on the site, I’m lucky I got away with only spending £9.99 but it could have been a lot more. Please don’t waste your money it’s a SCAM.
Mdate is simply an idiotic scam. The closest I got to confirming the existence of one person is knowing that I am real and that all. It is a site to either scam people or make you spend money. All Nigerian picture are almost sure to be from South Africa. Fake scam and should be off libr
animators yes, they are the low life animal,I knew there is a funny business there lucky I used their free money, but I feel sorry for those people
who lost they money, this site needs to be removed from the social media portal. Fraud, thief,
Jsem jeden z postižených, protože jsem původně nevěděl nic o podvodnosti na Bral jsem vše jak bylo uvedené “seznamka zkušených žen” . Později, když jsem stále jenom platil a při návrhu schůzky, přišla profesionální forma výmluvy, jak to dnes nebo zítra nejde a to se opakovalo mnohokrát. Co mě stále drželo v konverzaci s hezkou a kultivovanou ženou, byla hluboce citová, až lásky plná forma hovorů, slibů a ujištění, které u staršího člověka vzbuzují citové vzplanutí a důvěru. Nakonec jsem prozřel, ale byl jsem o několik tisíc okradený, protože nic se slibů a ujištění se nenaplnilo. Jde vůbec o to, jestli uvedená dáma vůbec existuje, jestli to byla dáma, jestli za ni nepsal muž a podobně. Když jsem se obrátil se stížnosti na vedení seznamky, obdržel jsem arogantní a hloupou výmluvu a celou řadu tvrzení, které s právního hlediska jsou neakceptovatelné. Proto jsem vše s důkazy předal Evropské komisi pro šetření a stížnost na zahraniční majitele To co mě nejvíce vadí je, že se stát vůbec nezajímá o tyto a podobné weby, které okrádají lidi a to bez jediné obavy. Takové seznamky, jejichž majitelé jsou zahraniční podvodníci, by měli mít přístup na český internet zakázaný. Všichni co mají tyto smutné zkušenosti, by se měli spojit a společně apelovat na stát aby konal.
Google translate
I’m one of the victims because I didn’t know anything about fraud at I took everything as stated “dating of experienced women”. Later, when I was still paying and when proposing the meeting, a professional form of excuse came, as is not possible today or tomorrow, and this has been repeated many times. What kept me in conversation with the pretty and cultured woman was a deeply emotional, even love-filled form of conversation, promise, and reassurance that evoked emotional outburst and confidence in the older person. In the end, I saw it, but I was robbed of several thousand because nothing of the promises and reassurances came true. It is a question of whether the said lady even exists, whether she was a lady, whether a man wrote for her and so on. When I turned to complaints about dating, I received an arrogant and stupid excuse and a number of claims that were legally unacceptable. Therefore, I passed everything with the evidence to the European Commission for investigation and complaint against the foreign owners of What bothers me the most is that the state is not at all interested in these and similar sites that rob people, without a single concern. Such dating sites, whose owners are foreign fraudsters, should have access to the Czech Internet prohibited. Everyone who has these sad experiences should unite and appeal together to the state to act.
They are a scam site the ppl are not real, we live in South Africa and our command of the English language is excellent. The spelling errors and questions they ask don’t make sense.
Scam!!!, I chat with a girl and everything was fine ten I ask her phone number to text instead and then she was like ” no err is ok is not that expensive blah blah ” yeah right ,keep paying for nothing, I wish I knew before tho but thankfully I only expended about $20 there , what a bunch of thiefs
Absolutely shocking disgraceful website .They should be made to pay back all the monies to their users .
I feel so stupid, very angry and bitter towards them.
Surely there must be a regulator that can bring this low life scum to task over their actions
AT Stone, absolute scam gentlemen. As has been stated, these people seem to be on line at all times. One bot asked me if I have a country-side where I live. Her profile address is 30 kms from mine. What kind of wine do you like? Oh I like white wine… what is your favourite white wine? Oh I don’t drink much so i can’t remember what I drank a year ago. Get the picture boys?
I agree with the comment that there should be a law against this. It is disgusting that these people prey on people who are lonely and spend money they can’t afford to spend.
Agree with the comments above,,, tried it, and its nothing but a SCAM….same people always on line,,must be lots of eligible females from YEADON,,,,BOTS try and chat to you, if not BOTS then ppl who are paid to try and get you to message them back….so to do that, you have to purchase coins, so every message is the equivalent of 50P plus, and its always a leading question from the Female to get you to respond back, hence the need to buy more coins….You can GUARANTEE, oh so and so looked at your profile, 1 minute later, so and so likes your profile, then the killer, so and so messages you, always the same, been on the site for a month and yet to find a GENUINE Female,,,,so now i ask in my profile, if they want to chat, use other chat forums…f/b..whatts etc,,,,strange how none of them do !!!!SO BEWARE, THIS SITE SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY,,,,ITS ONLY FOR THE GULLABLE
Wish i had researched this site first, the penny dropped when the charging of the coins just went up obscenely, lost only £10 but in saying that i might just as well left it in the street for someone to find than have given to these scammers. Chat, chat, chat is what the site wants you to do while getting you to spend more money and it is not cheap! The pricing is shown but before you know it you are drawn in. Fake site with fake profiles, steer well clear!! There is also a problem with this site in deleting your account, Help anyone?
You Can’t Take your money back, because you have volunteerly gave your money. Dat’s how the devil works… Welcome To The Last Days…
בהחלט אתר משאבה /הונאה לא הבנתי כל כך מהר את חומרת הטעות שלי, ביקשתי לקבל החזר כספי קשה לי להאמין שיחזירו , מחקתי את הפרופיל שלי ואת כל הזיכויים שנותרו כך שלא זכיתי אפילו להשתמש במה ששילמתי עליו, זה יקר להפליא להוסיף עלבון לפציעה. צריך לעשות משהו בכדי
להוציא אתרי הונאה מסוג זה מחוץ לתחום ולהחזיר לכל מי שנגרע ממנו. לא מספיק שכותבים כאן יש עו”ד טוב אפשר ייצוגי להוציא הרבה כסף
Agreed, thankyou for identifying these fraudsters
Definitely a scam site I realised quickly the seriousness of my mistake, and asked for a refund to which they refused, however, they deleted my profile and all remaining credits so I didn’t even get a chance to use what I had paid for, its unbelievably expensive to add insult to injury. Something should be done to put scam sites like these out of business and pay back everybody who has been ripped off.
Wish I had looked into this site more and read these reviews would have saved me quite a bit of money and embarrassment, I had never been on dating sites before so was green have learned a big lesson here, dont be as naive as I was and STAY WELL CLEAR OF THIS SITE one big scam
hello after a while chatting i realize it was costing a bundle so i ask for that person to text me on my phone gave her my number all of a sudden her phone was broken so i stiop chatting for a while got several message form her saying ow mush she miss me so last reply form me was if u miss me that mush why dont u text me then reply was i fill comfortable on this site bla bla bla so i stp completely after a while she forgot all about me i figure if u can not text me on my cell phone well then there is nothing to say to each other
Total scam site not worth the money. Better off getting a hooker at least you know you will get what you paid for. This site needs to be shut down. TOTAL Fucking scam
I agree with everybody here saying its a SCAM!!!
it took me a while to figure it out, but when i searched on google for this site and if its a scam i kept seing a lot of them…but guess what i didnt want to believe it at 1st. so i did my own inquiries.
1. fake profil etc… yeah auto generated names +random number CHECK
2. Age usually doesnt fit the picture CHECK
3. fake profils are AlWAYS ONLINE CHECK
4. they dont always offer you the cheapest pruchase cins at one poit you can only but he highest ones. 24.99 or 49.99$ FORCE PURCHASED? CHECK
5. people in this site sometimes use some kind of translation program, or they dont answer your questions properly CHECK
6. they cannot read the previous message, and most of the time have no clue what you guys talked about previously CHECK CHECK (depending if there are more than one person on an account or a chat bot.
7. you receive random msg whenever you get online and is online (for real this doesnt happen like this o ften) CHECK
8. they should rebrand the whole site differently saying its like fantasy chat like those erotical ones, that would work better and poeple will really knwo what it is and that its impossible to meet bcs they are paid fake profiles.
I absolutely are to the above comments re scamming, ladies, all around the age of 40-45 are the scammers to avoid, on top they use a language to communicate which is not the one you indicates, typically you are from Luxembourg, and they communicate immediately in french, although you did not mention french as your language. some come with the same hello text in 2 different languages at the same time under different names.
I wish I had seen the reviews 1st.ive gone my profile a few times and it keeps putting me at 41.changeit and went back on and it came back as 41.had the feeling that it was a scam when they kept saying I’d rather chat on here for a bit. The problem i have now is it won’t send me a email to delete it off my phone. I think trading standards should be told. Its a total scam.
I wish I had found these reviews first……but I watch alot of Columbo and the detective in me was taking over. I joined a week ago and was bombarded with likes and views and messages…..I became suspicious when I saw how all the female members were online all the time…..then I decided to dig deeper. I bought coins and started to respond to the dozens of texts…the conversations were strange….they would go nowhere and they always ended with a stupid question… all of them. So I pushed harder and wrote a fantasy about a woman….pornographic in nature….it was long…like 2 thousand words….literally a short story…very graphic. Anyway, I started sending it out to some of the profiles…… It took an hour to write and 5 minutes to read and some of the replies would come back within 30 seconds……and they would always respond to the first 2 lines of the story. Also all of the replies had numerous typos…..they were very short and quick replies like they were in a hurry and every single stupid response always ended with a question….When I asked if they had to pay for coins (I was certain women could chat for free. I mean who wastes 50 cents on a text of 5 words?). Anyway I decided to push even harder and engage the most promising prospects to actually meet and they all said they wanted to get to know the real me first. One very attractive girl who was all over my short story….. told me how badly she wanted me yadda yadda….and so I invited her to meet for movie and drinks to which she said to slow down….. I told her that she just told me she wanted to suck my $^#@ and ride me until I was speaking in tongues…. so I told her let her know that dinner and drinks was in fact slowing down…you know…meet first and see where it leads sort of thing….? When she said I want to get to know you better first…so I gave my phone number and my FB Domain and said she only feels safe in here…that was pretty much it for me. I said how the %$#% can you get to know the real you through blind texting? Besides you can’t get safer than a phone number or a FB profile…. I was almost done……until yesterday……that was the final blow…. I knew almost from the beginning but I wanted in my sites dead to right !!! I spoke to Ivory and I decided to use up the rest of my coins to drive it home and called her out…. I followed up my short story with another short story…she asked me to send an oral fantasy with her tied up… I wrote another one…..a thousand words and a 3 minute read……I ended it with “now your turn to tell me one”, and like every other woman I asked, she came back with a stupid question……like “are you sure you want one”? or “what do you want to hear”? But they would never ever send you a fantasy story…..ever!! So I called out the scam and told her exactly how they run it…..phony profiles, how one woman said if I want a date I actually need to reply to a text…….How the f$#K would a member know I wasn’t responding to hardly any of them? I told that she is probably in a room with 200 other girls somewhere in India or the Philippines and getting a commission to get men on here to spend money to just chat……well she told me no, that she was real blah I played the dummy and said ok ok…..and said I loved my oral fantasy and if she would like it….and she said…oh….please tell me an oral fantasy…..and I was like WHAAAAAT in my head…. and copied and pasted what I just sent her and she said …wow you type so fast….. I love everything in this…..and I had finally sealed the coffin shut….pure scam !!! It cost me 50 bucks and several hours but I Columbo’d this one…..don’t waste your time or your money.
omg you are talened, you took way less time and money to figure this one out., I guess some of use are jsut noobs for romanace and desperate to meet somsone.
this iste is pure scam they make it believe as a legit dating when its jsut some kind of fake hotline
I was sucked into this rip off scheme. I thought that some of the profiles were genuine and spent a small fortune on chats believing that it would lead to date with someone. But not a chance, as soon as you mention meeting up, you’re question will either be ignored or fobbed off with a whole variety of reasons why they can’t right now or some other gibberish. Save yourselves a lot of grief and expenses people. Avoid Mdates like the plague (or the coronavirus) !
Fake profiles. I tried with the free credits which everyone receives in the begining. Gave my skype. Asked for telephone, viber or something else where we can talk fro free. Just as I written nothing. Good that I didn’t spend money there. Stay away from that place when can loose much money
Total scam. Should be closed down
Thanks a lot for your information. How can I get my money back , because it is a organised cheating.
To all the people that Have been ripped off we all should go and take it to court and have the site shut down and are money returned who’s up for it because I have tried to cut rists and hang myself because this fucking site has scammed all off use if interested then perhaps we all should get together and do something about it and make sure that the world know that this sort of thing is happening and no one is doing anything about it as I have lost 2 friends because of something like this happened to them and its wrong that this counts are laughing at us let’s take it to them and put them up against a wall and pass over then and take what they have make them as we all fill they are counts that hurt inersent people like you and me they took £70000 out of my bank account with out me knowing till last minute so let’s fight them back
Yep, got me too. even in New Zealand, had all the towns I know, none would want to meet..
Yup been scammed as well. After spending a significant amount of money, I finally realised they were all fake profiles. Feel so stupid. I have reported it to my bank. Let’s see if I can get some money back.
Rodeo , June 21/ 20 @ 8: 20 am . Yes It is one Big Scam , spent several extra dollars even when I already was sure it was using Bots to return messages and never would the women answer any Questions you asked , and 3 out of 4 would say they lost their Ph. if you ask them to call you etc. the site even sent me 30 different Ladies Pic’s from Anmore BC. Can. which is just a small town and lucky to have one women on their Site ! and I’m from AB. but they run out of Pic’s and town or City names in AB. and every women had a Picture which if real wouldn’t happen ! .
It really is a scam! Don´t waste your money!!!
If you’ve used the app head on to Google or Apple and request a refund and report it as a scam you might a full or partial refund of the in app purchases. The more people that report the app the quicker it comes down abd and less people get conned out of their money.
Voici comment retirer votre profile et vos données du site mDates. Vous allez sur votre profile là ou il y a votre photo, complètement à droite de votre pseudonyme il y a 3 lignes; cliquez dessus et vous verrez une des informations qui l’une spécifie supprimer. Cliquez sur supprimer et le tour est joué. Vous n’aurez plus accès sur le site, par contre je ne suis pas certain si mDates conserve vos données. Le site mDates affirme ceci après suppression: “Supprimer votre compte est permanent et supprimera tout le contenu dont les conversations, les avatars, les paramètres du profil et les jetons. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte ?
Here’s how to remove your profile and data from the mDates site. You go to your profile where there is your photo, completely to the right of your pseudonym there are 3 lines; click on it and you’ll see one of the information that one specifies delete. Click delete and the trick is played. You will no longer have access to the site, however I am not sure if mDates keeps your data. The mDates site states this after deleting: “Delete your account is permanent and will remove all content including conversations, avatars, profile settings and tokens. Are you sure you want to delete your account?
Malheureusement, comme plusieurs d’entre vous, je constate que je me suis fait prendre comme un poisson sur le site mDates et je ne suis pas trop fière de moi et j’ai même honte pour avoir dépensé 1200$ surtout avec deux candidates dont je n’ai jamais eu d’engagement pour un rendez-vous ou pour changer de plate forme gratuite. Messieurs restez loin de ce site, c’est une arnaque pour avoir plus de votre argent, du moins pour nous les hommes.
Unfortunately, like many of you, I find that I got caught like a fish on the site mDates and I’m not too proud of myself and I’m even ashamed to have spent $1200 especially with two candidates whose I never had a commitment for an appointment or to change platform for free. Gentlemen stay away from this site, it’s a scam to get more of your money, at least for us men.
Guys i have a tip for you, any dating site is a scam, just google pictures of the women. you will see (pretty ones are simply XXX stars )
never pay for a chat, try to check the site first .
Has anybody had any joy in stopping emails from this site Im aware its a complete scam when I get to the unsubsciribe page it says my email address is not set .The site should be closed down
Yeah complete ripoff
I got 2 messages from 2 “different” people with word for word the same message. Isn’t coincidence amazing. Also you get the same phrases repeated, the English is a bit shaky in small way, they never answer you questions but always end with a question so you feel obliged to spend more money messaging back. As someone above said they are on line eight hours a day. Sounds like a shift to me.
Well I’m just another sucker who wants to put his thoughts out there. Spent $3000.00 getting to know a woman actually fell in love with her.Suddenly my messages were being redirected to a hacker or so I thought but turned out it was just another way they tried to make you spend more money. I filed 3 complaints on there complaint forms & never got 1 response from them. Well i guess there is a sucker born every day & today is my day.
Sorry to hear your went through that mate especially losing that money 😕
Mdates just takes your money while you chat to fakes. Can’t someone shut them down
dont get conned by this people its forr entertanment only the y take your money for sure but you will never meet a girl
The way you can tell it’s a scam,every time you go on there website,every person you like the look of is always there,what ever time you look all there people are always online.n to one person is ever off line 34 hrd.its a scam website.lets you send couple of messages and when one of them replies,it cuts you off sending them message,untill you buy .to prove a point ask them for there number when you send first message,you will get a excuses.complete scam
escroquerie, site mensonger et impossible de faire enlever son profile. je ne comprend pas que ce site puisse encore opérer sur le web c’est vraiment une honte. bloquer ce site S.V.P.
scam for sure have been on and no girl wants to date to scared they say don’t wast your money there
This site is total BS
I found a 40 year old Lady from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada I fell in love with her the instant I saw her. We chatted and once my coins where ending after 10 hours of chatting (must have spent $400.00 chatting) though I was going somewhere with her. I tried to get her off the site on to phone text, email address, Whats App, Skype all no cost avenues and would not budge. I invited her to Meet live at a Tim Horton’s in Hamilton, Ontario outside in the parking lot to see if she was real face to face, would not do it. Yes this site is a TOTAL FAKE site, can’t we get shark sites off the internet, like get INTERPOL involved, shut these sites down, the dating websites should have a seal that all persons are real. Like a Approval Seal so daters know its got real people that want to date. Not some guy in the back boiler room behind a ladies picture typing back to you. Please save your money do not use this site and report it to your police dept.
I knew it’s a scam from the beginning.some of the women are wearing hijab and looked moslims but say they speak Chinese and drink alcohol which doesn’t happen in my country.but I love the conversations I had.
Your right there, they just want to chat and get to know you (bs), without committing to a date
How to quit, cancel account, lose membership – ? Anybody know how to do that please /
Yes, I am having that same finding it’s a ‘rip-off’ and ongoing malicious time, enery and spirit wqster.
“not-fit-for-purpse’ need with mDtes, and I am trying to quit but they somehow prevent that -JSDM Jonny1927 to them.
MDates is most definitely a scam site. I joined with the lowest payment I could and it soon became apparent it’s a load of garbage. Conversations that don’t make sense. Everyone you’ve ever had any ‘contact’ with just happens to be on line when you are! Photos of people who don’t look anything like the age the profile says they are and more… don’t waste your money boys. I’m seriously considering writing to the likes of PayPal deploring how they’re giving an element of credence to this rubbish.
Yes it is a scam and I think we should be getting this scam off the internet. Cant reply to a free message hmm why ooh I’m not safe cant meet in a public place I feel safe here. Use the free messages and bombard them with spam.
hi i have unfortunately been scammed by these people, feel so stupid as it didnt sink in at the beginning , i intended to let the coins they sell you run out and not repay for more but then you receive a message from someone who looks nice and they want to chat so i paid more and then again, it was only when i asked certain questions about where they lived, ie information on the town etc and theyd never reply with an answer to your question , obviously because the person i was talking to wasnt the person i thought , im quite sure there isnt any genuine people on their site, its a clever scam but also very cruel, not only do they take your money which was quite a lot but they destroy your hopes and trust in humanity, i only hope these horrible heartless people are put out of action for the sake of any future victims, its outrageous how they get away with it
I totally agreed with you, and the scenarios happened to me, wish I’d cottoned on earlier
mDates, you should be ashamed of yourselves, creating false beliefs for people is unforgivable.