
Free Registration
Bugs and usability issues
Has known better days
Plenty of dissatisfied users
Unresponsive customer service
Privacy issues
Report for review is an online dating platform for gay men, which has been wildly popular for a very long time. However, something changed at some point. A new operator, called GDOnline LTD, from London, took over the platform’s management. The landing page looks modern and crisp. In the background, it shows a couple of very attractive men making up. It also invites us to register, to find guys more easily, and from any device.
For our reviews, we always create a profile, so we can test these dating portals. We knew something was wrong, as it took us two days to register and log in. Signing up was unnecessarily cumbersome, and it was difficult to understand what the problem was. This lines up with the negative feedback we read from countless users. We did not see many problems regarding the Terms of Use. However, former clients’ dreadful experiences, leave no doubt about the poor quality of this site, even if it was not designed to be a scam.
We recommend the following top portals
Details on the review is a dating website and application, for gay men, which has a long and successful history. Some clients had been members for almost two decades when something changed overnight. Apparently, GDOnline LTD, which is an operating company from London, took over, and it quickly became a disaster.
Change of heart
We did not notice anything exceptional in the Terms and Conditions. Except for the fact that they were not readable in their entirety. At the very bottom, a part was inaccessible. Add this to the fact that we had so much difficulty just completing the registration. So, this did not seem too promising, right from the get-go. Our suspicions were further confirmed by the countless reviews left by upset users. They described loads of bugs and usability issues, and our experience was very similar. It was difficult to get around the website, to find the functions we were looking for.
This may be a matter of ineptitude, rather than the operator trying to scam people. Whatever the reason, this is not good enough. Users also complained about constant maintenance of the website, which does not improve anything. Bear in mind, that some of these unhappy users had been paying for the premium service for years, even decades. Most users disappeared overnight, and nowadays, the members’ area is almost dead. In fact, it was difficult to find anyone who was logged in at all.
Excerpt from the GTC (as of 22/02/2023)
You grant GDOnline Limited and its affiliates a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license and right to copy, transmit, distribute, publicly perform and display (through all media now known or hereafter created), and make derivative works from your content. In addition, you waive any so-called “moral rights” in your content.
Untrustworthy operator
Not only is the platform full of bugs and unfriendly features. Apparently, the customer service is completely unreliable, and impossible to reach. This does not sound like an operator we would trust with a recurring membership, or to handle sensitive information, such as our private photos. Keep in mind that the company gets property rights on any content that you post to your profile. Overall, it is probably a good idea to prevent a bitter experience, and stay away from this portal. Unfortunately, it has unexpectedly become a rip-off, not worth paying for.
The conclusion from our review is an online dating portal for gay men which has seen better days. Despite the long-standing history of this website, users started fleeing, as soon as GDOnline LTD, from London, took over its management. We read about countless usability issues, disappointing customer service, and low-quality profiles. Even though they are not necessarily fake, it seems impossible to get a date here, nowadays. What used to be many gay men’s favorite dating platform, has become a useless rip-off.
If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to GDOnline LTD.
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