
25 February 2024 (Update) The result of our review: Our test on turned out to be an insufficient dating website. review
  • Fake chat rip-off

  • Fake Operator

  • Fake Profiles

  • Unlikely to meet

  • Negative comments

  • Very expensive

Report for review

At first glance, the online dating site seems to be the perfect place for finding a local fling. The landing page is very simple and claims that the site hosts 666,909 members. What intrigued us, however, was that although the site promotes an application available on the Google Play Store, we could not find any trace of it. During our review, we searched for feedback and experiences from past users. We found several negative reports complaining about fake profiles, and a fake chat rip-off. None of these users have had any dates via this site. is operated by Flirtic LLC, which is a company registered in Tallinn, in Estonia. We have no previous experience with this operator. However, the comments we found online, lead us to believe that we are probably dealing with a classic fake chat scam. The chances of finding a date here are apparently slim anyway. There are many other more reliable options, than risking wasting money on this site.

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Details on the review

The landing page of does not provide much information about the service. We understand that users can rate pictures and have their own rated, in the hope of attracting someone whom they can date. However, according to former users, this is only an endless and pointless game. It is designed to make users spend money on the chat.

We did not find any suspicious clauses in the Terms and Conditions, which does not ultimately mean that is not a rip-off. On the contrary, perhaps it is. Although we found several negative reviews about this platform, we did not find a single positive report. This is rather strange for a dating site that claims to have almost 700,000 members. is operated by Flirtic LLC, which is a company registered in Tallinn, in Estonia. This location is known, through our reviews, for hosting numerous shady companies, which operate in the field of dating site scams.

Fake profiles

According to reviews online, and past users’ experiences, most of the profiles in the members’ area display fictitious people. Users report that they have spent hours chatting on the platform, without ever arranging a date. Each time, the person they were talking to always had a good excuse to delay the date. However, they actively continue to seduce users, with promises of a future fling. There are other indications that we are probably dealing with fake profiles, commissioned to lure users into a scam.

One is that none of the members with whom users were chatting, agreed to switch to another communication medium, such as WhatsApp or Instagram, for instance. Clearly, their mission is to keep users on’s paid chat, for as long as possible. Other users report bad experiences with girls who they could trace back to Ghana, and other African countries. They would contact users from a payphone, for money. All in all, does not appear to be a reliable choice for finding a genuine partner.

The conclusion from our review

As our reviews shows,, run by Flirtic LLC, from Estonia, did not pass our test. We suspect the site will fail to provide genuine flirts. Instead, the members’ area seems to be full of fake profiles. These are commissioned to seduce users and lure them into lengthy, fruitless conversations, in the paid chat. We found several negative reviews online which mention a scam, and no dates. As we see it, this platform is not reliable and should be avoided.

If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Flirtic LLC.

If you have already made experiences with, please share them with our community and write a review. Use the form at the bottom of this page.

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Casual Dating


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