
Free Registration
Negative reports
High costs
Suspicion of fake chats
Suspicion of a subscription trap
Automatic renewal of the subscription
Report for review advertises with a lot of promises. On the landing page, we see information about free registration. Additionally, we see some images of attractive women. This platform claims to be a solid dating portal. But, the reputation of the site on the internet is poor. We read reviews about a fake chat and a subscription trap. Although currently, we do not have proof.
But, we want to point out a few things. The image of the site is poor. Many former users have had similar bad experiences with it. Moreover, the platform itself does not appear reliable. The legal information is also unclear regarding details about the service. Plus, the reputation of the operator of the platform is not good as well. The operator of the site is Shy Robots LLC that is based in Philadelphia, USA.
We recommend the following top portals
Details on the review is a website where you can meet Russian women. On the landing page, we see some profile pictures that look promising. With regard to the information on the homepage, it is even possible to find women at the age of 18 years old. That is relatively young for such a service. Anyway, the registration is free. On the appealing landing page, we did not find a note about further charges. So, we could assume that this is free to use as well. Additionally, on the homepage, we see a note that this site is free.
The operator of the site is Shy Robots LLC that is based in Philadelphia, USA.
This platform is not free advertises with free registration. On the landing page, we see the screen to create a profile that advertises that it is free. Well, that might sound like the use is free as well. But, that is not true at all. The use of the website is actually high-priced. On the internet, we found many negative reviews about the site. In general, the reputation of the platform and its operator is terrible. Former users report experiences that it is a scam. Well, that is a subjective accusation, so, we checked the legal information to see if we could find proof.
We know for sure that the portal advertises misleading information. But, that is certainly not enough to call this platform a rip-off. However, there are a few things we have to note. First of all, the legal information only contains a few details about the site and its service. The terms and conditions are very short. Plus, an imprint is missing. The details of the operator are provided, but they are hidden at the bottom of the privacy policy. Now, those are all hints for an unreliable dating portal. In the end, this website seems unsafe.
The platform and its bad image
In the terms and conditions, we did not find a note about moderation. But, former users point out a fake chat scam. Anyway, in the legal information, the operator notes that costs will occur for a premium membership. In the terms and conditions, we read about a deadline of 14 days to ask for a refund. Additionally, we read about automatic renewal of the premium membership if it is not terminated in time. Well, that information comes from reviews on the internet.
Former users explain that the subscription is a trap. With regard to the information on the internet, the subscription is used as a rip-off. Also, former users point out that the profiles on the landing page and in the members´ pool are fake. By the way, we also got the impression that some profiles on the landing are fake. They look like professional model pictures. Anyway, the reputation of the site is very bad. A scam can not be excluded. As we see it, that is enough reason to skip this site.
The conclusion from our review
The online dating portal is a scam. At least, that is what many reviews on the internet claim. Former users were very disappointed by the service of the site. They explain that the profiles of the platform are fake and controlled by fake operators. Proof of that, however, is missing. Plus, costs will occur for a membership that appears to be a subscription rip-off, according to information on the internet.
If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Shy Robots LLC.
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