50sLove.co.uk review

Subscription rip-off
Fake Operator
Fake Profiles
Unlikely to meet
Negative comments
Very expensive
Report for 50sLove.co.uk review
At first sight, the online dating platform 50sLove.co.uk looks trustworthy and legit. The website offers free registration and appears to be a great place to find local 50+ singles, who are looking for new dating adventures. However, after we read the terms and conditions of the site, we cannot recommend anyone to register here. It turns out to be a rip-off.
To be able to use the chat and send messages to other members, users must become paying premium-members first. But the expensive membership subscriptions renew automatically and can therefore easily lead into a subscription trap. Furthermore, most members of the site are not real. The operator of the site, Alpha Internet Services GmbH from Innsbruck, Austria, hires operators, who manage several fictitious profiles. Consequently, it is highly unlikely that you will ever meet a real person in the chat, with whom a real-life date can be arranged.
We recommend the following top portals
Details on the 50sLove.co.uk review
50sLove.co.uk is an online dating platform dedicated to singles over 50, who are looking for new dating experiences. At first sight, the website appears to be trustworthy and legit. The design of the landing page is very professional and the advertised features sound rather promising. Furthermore, the registration is free and can be done in no time at all. But as soon as we have a closer look at the terms and conditions, we sadly find out that the portal cannot be recommended. Apparently, most member profiles on the site are fake.
The operator of 50sLove.co.uk claims to hire professional animators to offer the best possible entertainment experience. But as we see it, the moderated chat is solely used to lure users into subscribing to the expensive premium-memberships. Shortly after the free registration, new users receive some enticing messages. To be able to reply to these messages, an upgrade to the paid premium-membership is unavoidable.
Excerpt from the GTC (as of 12/04/2021)
The user acknowledges that 50SLOVE uses professional animators and operators to encourage members to communicate and to offer their members the best possible entertainment. These profiles created and operated by 50SLOVE are specially marked with a heart in the system and there is no way to meet these people in real life.
Fake chat
Unfortunately, users are not properly informed about the fake chat. Furthermore, the heart-symbols which are used to mark the fake profiles, are not sufficient at all. Therefore, users assume that these promising messages are sent by real people, with whom dates can be arranged. Thus, users are tricked into paying for an expensive membership-subscription.
Dangerous automatic subscription renewal
As if the fake chat scam is not enough, the membership subscriptions result in another problem. They renew automatically, if not terminated in time. But the termination deadlines are extremely short, and the operator of the site is known for its subscription trap rip-offs. Consequently, users are not only lured into pointless chat conversations with fictitious people, but also tricked into expensive long-term subscriptions.
The operator behind this scam is Alpha Internet Services GmbH, which is based in Innsbruck, Austria. This company is well-known for its small network of scam dating websites and has got a poor reputation. Therefore, we cannot recommend anyone to register on 50sLove.co.uk. It is clearly a rip-off that should be avoided.
The conclusion from our 50sLove.co.uk review
50sLove.co.uk unfortunately turns out to be a rip-off with a fake chat and a subscription trap. Without a paid membership, the chat function cannot be used. Furthermore, all membership subscriptions renew automatically and are difficult to cancel. The operator uses fictitious profiles to lure users into signing up for the expensive subscriptions. As real-life dates are not possible with fictitious people, the chat is a waste of money and time.
If you would like to learn more about the dating rip-off, check out our other reviews. You can also easily check which other dating websites belong to Alpha Internet Services GmbH.
If you have already made experiences with 50sLove.co.uk, please share them with our community and write a review. Use the form at the bottom of this page.
We all seem to be in the same boat . All comments made are basically the same . Surely there must be a way of reporting these Fraudsters to some organisation that can put a stop to all this scamming .
40smeet.de alias “50slove”
I got scammed by members.40smeet.de also known as “50slove”. Now i knew they or “he” has fake bots as pictures pretending to be your matches. According to the fake website trap, they have membership subscription for 3 months, 6 months and 1 Year. So 1 Year was supposed to be € 9,90 cent. So I subscribed to 1 Year membership and discovered they booked €514 ( they actually booked more than 4 times the amount for the 1 year subscription or the fake subscription i was supposed to be paying for the fake dating website) from my account after 2 days of my subscription. I now discovered you won’t get a reply after contacting them, their fax Nr. in Austria Is fake, you can’t cancel your membership. All the fake emails i received before becoming a premium member were all fake ( emails was written from same person ). I replied to all the emails, but got no reply back. This happened to me in January 26 2022. I just discovered this datingspot24.co.uk which wrote reviews about this fake 50slove dating website and decided to also post my experience here hoping it will help somebody.
I was lucky to quickly retrieve my money back into my account after waking up (through my daily online banking notification emails for every money transaction ) to the ridiculous amount they stole from my account. Be warned! Attached below is the email I got from the Scammer after they discovered i withdrawn my money back. I thought that being that i just caught them trying to scam me through their fake dating website that they would just disappear and never contact me again, guess what? I was wrong! These scammers are hardenend cold-hearted criminals and they will literally threatened people for their own hard earned money. They still have the gut to be sending me emails since January this year telling me that i am owning them money for “using” their fake dating website and they were even bold enough to use a “eCollect AG” money collector to keep sending me emails that i am actually owning them money and demand that i pay them back. And they have since doubled the €514 to almost a Thousand euro each time i receive emails from eCollect AG.
You guys have no ideal how this make my blood boil. These are the kind of criminals that are supposed to be throw in jail and the keys throw away. I believe the reason they are bold enough to do this, is because they probably were able to threatened some of thier victims with this method of using money collector to extort money from them, which will make their victims think that this is actually real.
As i mentioned earlier they sent me the email below after discovering i was quickly able to retreive my money back befor they got hold of it and they have been sending me many more emails using eCollect AG to threaten me to give them my own money as if am actually owning them money. This is insane!
“Jan 29 at 8:49 PM
Liebe Esther Ida,
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.
Sie haben bei uns eine kostenpflichtige 12-monatige Mitgliedschaft zu einem wöchentlichen (wtl.) Beitrag in Höhe von 9,90 Euro abgeschlossen. Daraus ergibt sich der Gesamtpreis in Höhe von 514,80 Euro.
Unser Faxgerät funktioniert einwandfrei, es gibt keine anderweitigen Beschwerden und wir erhalten regelmäßig Zusendungen hierüber.
Ein Widerruf ist leider nicht mehr möglich da Sie unsere Services bereits genutzt haben.
Gerne können Sie Ihr Abo jedoch unter Einhaltung der Kündigungsfristen per Brief (adressiert an AIS GmbH, Anton-Melzer-Str. 7, 6020 Innsbruck) oder Fax (+43 (0)512 2191 00665) kündigen.
Inhalte der Kündigung gem. AGB:
– Benutzername
– E-Mail Adresse (mit welcher Sie sich bei uns registriert haben)
– Vor- und Nachname
– Adresse
– Kündigungsgrund
– Kündigungscode (finden Sie in Ihrem Profil)
– Kündigung ist persönlich zu unterzeichnen
Zudem ist die Kündigung vom Inhalt und der äußeren Form gem. der weiteren gesetzlichen Bestimmungen anzufertigen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Anna Meier
50sLove Team
Alpha Internet Services GmbH
Anton-Melzer-Str. 7
6020 Innsbruck
FN: 529471 i, VAT: ATU5386217”
I too very quickly realised that this site is a scam and all replies are simply computer algorithms and not from a real person. I cancelled my bank standing order and had my bank stop any further payments but somehow they managed to take another payment from my new card…three days before it arrived to my address. The bank took the money back. I also sent a cancellation letter by registered post which was signed for at their address but still they claim I did an illegal ‘charge back’ and have been threatening me with email after email saying that they will have debt collection agents pursuing me and they will also ruin my credit rating.
All my replies to their emails are simply answered with computer generated nonsense and they won’t address any specific points I require answers to. STAY WELL CLEAR OF THIS SCAM SITE!
I also just left my review here. They are also sending me emails threathening me by using eCollect to actually ask me to give them my money. These fake 50loves dating website are bold hardened criminals who needs to be taken down out of the internet ASAP! Or else they will continue to ruin many lives.
hi I’m having the same issue am I right in saying they can’t make you pay the money because it is very worrying
Hello Mike,my names Jonathan from Kidderminster UK,I too am being asked by this dating site to repay£264.00 on a subscription I know nothing about,did you pay any money over as like you there threatening me
Had anyone had any results in cancelling their account and getting their money back from these people? I can see that they took 144.15 euros from my account in January and I have been trying to exercise my right to cancel within the 14 day cooling off period. They refuse to engage but still keep sending drop kick men who I don’t want to go out with. Anyone have any thoughts on how to tackle this company?
I was drawn into this site by the promise it would be very different from the rest. How right I was; none of the women, people or dates seemed real. You would, at first receive a flurry of messages, their response were almost droid-like. For example, you would receive a standard, ‘off the shelf’ enquiry, “how are you spending your weekend?” you reply, in addition, one would ask about where they live, how have they found the site and normal everyday English pleasantries, all done within a few minutes of their question!! I would wait but receive no response. Then, suddenly, days later, at 2am (the replies always seemed to arrive at and around 2-5am) a message would pop up on my. screen from Gmail. It would be that person; they would be polite but never answering your question but instead reply to your query by asking yet another trivial question such as “how have you spent your evening?” or “what is your perfect getaway place?” Never any detail and this would go on for days.
In fact, many of the responses were written by people who were clearly not native English speakers, simply by the use of grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary, never any details of themselves or who they were but just a round of meaningless and automated, droid-like replies to anything I wrote to them. This went on with various people for around 3 weeks before I realised form reading other comments, from those who too had been stung by this dating site that this was a scam.
I then tried to stop and remove my profile, I had to wait days before an equally droid like admin person replied to my queries and her messages again, seemed as if they were prescriptive. It was annoying as I had to find that the path to freedom was designed to hold onto those stupid enough to sign-up to this site; the customer support was virtually no-existent and to leave, you had to literally jump through burning hoops. All I got every-time I asked about leaving was again, a robotic, droid like reply “its in our terms and conditions” In fact, it was designed to do everything it could to stop you from leaving, definitely to stop you claiming any money back or asking for a refund. Finally, I did exactly what this customer liaison person asked for and sent a registered letter to leave and remove my profile and to stop payments too. I went to Our time, which was a totally positive experience and placed 50sLove into its context, which I think I have made clear in my statement, its a scam!
I’ve just been caught out on this too. Have emailed and will now send a registered letter. They not responding to my emails and my bank says I’ve got to wait 15 days before they can look into the dispute of transaction already made. I wish I had read your reviews first. Gutted!! One for Maartin Lewis to look into who I will contact!
I also got caught. As soon as I realised (based on the FAKENESS of the profiles) I cancelled my credit card. I then immediately emailed them to tell them I wanted to cancel.
I received an email back saying that in the Ts and Cs it states (which it does) that they require you to send a FAX to cancel! I managed to find a facility to send a fax – which was very difficult – only to find that the number they supply is wrong. I emailed them and they then emailed me back to say I could only cancel with a fax OR a registered letter.
I sent a registered letter and took a photo of the letter and the proof of mailing, which I sent to the email address I had. I also sent the proof that I tried to Fax.
I also sent them a copy of the letter I had sent.
Ultimately I received an email confirming that my subscription had been cancelled.
How is it possible that these kinds of scams can continue without being stopped?
Where to report the 50slove. They are criminals on point
I have been trying to cancel my membership from them for a year now, & I am still being charged.
I have been caught out by this too.
How do I stop them taking more money?
I will say try and contact your bank. If they can’t help you, i do open another account if i were in your position.
This 50slove is a scam. Fake profiles, no responses from members, just electronic messages from 2 fake members upon signing up – fraudulent site which took my money without providing matches. The profiles sound fabricated and appear to be written by the same person. I’m a writer and should know. Many profile have nothing written. The support contact never replies to my emails requesting a refund under the Australian Trade Practices Act and Consumer Law – impossible to contact! This Austrian site is taking advantage of people!